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History Bits
Blue & Grey Book Shoppe
106 E Walnut
Independence, MO 64050


Books & Maps » Books

Our book list is divided into the following pages. SC means softcover and HC means hardcover. Soon you will be able to purchase books from this web site!

Trans-Mississippi Civil War

The James-Younger Gang

Missouri History

Looking for a particular book on the Civil War?
We carry many Civil War titles not listed in this catalog.

Our subjects on the Civil War include:
Battles -Generals-Regiments-Women-Diaries
Arms & Equipment-General Civil War.
If you have an inquiry please contact us
by e-mail at betty@blueandgrey.com
or call 816-252-9909

We also have books on the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and other categories of American History.

Please call for availability before ordering
Mail Order to:
Blue & Grey Book Shoppe
106 E Walnut
Independence, MO 64050


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